Legal notice


Site publisher

Berenice Avocats
Société d’Exercice Libéral à Responsabilité Limitée (SELARL)
17 boulevard Raspail, 75007 Paris, France
RCS Paris no. 949 747 489
Phone: +33 (0)
Publication director: Nathalie Karpik

Site Host

Société par Actions Simplifiée à Associé Unique (SASU)
2, rue Kellermann, BP 80157, 59053 Roubaix
RCS Lille Métropole no. 424 761 419
Phone:  +33 (0)9 72 10 10 07

Intellectual property rights

Berenice Avocats owns the “berenice-avocats” domain name and holds all the intellectual property rights connected to the Website and the various elements making up the Website, including the photographs, logos, texts and articles.

Use of part or all the Website, be it by way of reproduction, transmission, representation, or dissemination, for purposes other than personal and private use is strictly prohibited.

Hypertext links

The creation of hypertext links directing from third-party websites to the Website is subject to the prior written consent of Berenice Avocats, which consent may be withdrawn at any time.

Inclusion within the Website of a hypertext link directing to a third-party site in no way signifies that Berenice Avocats controls the content of such third-party website.  As a result, Berenice Avocats disclaims all liability concerning access to the content of such third-party websites.

Personal data

No personal data is processed in connection with the navigation of this website.


When our Website is viewed, information is liable to be recorded in the “Cookies” files installed on your computer, tablet or mobile phone by us or by our technical service provider.

Our Website uses the following cookies:

Technical cookies for personalizing the user interface (choice of the Website language). These cookies are strictly necessary for the proper functioning of the Website and smooth navigation by users;

Audience measurement cookies. The purpose of these cookies is strictly limited to measuring the Website’s audience (measuring performance, detecting navigation issues, optimizing technical performance and ergonomics, analysis of content viewed) for the benefit of the Website publisher only and produce and send to our technical service providers anonymized statistics only. They do not make it possible to monitor user navigation on other websites and their lifespan is limited in accordance with the directives of the French Data Protection Authority (CNIL).

Changes to the Website

Berenice Avocats reserves the right to modify the Website’s content, including the content of this legal notice, at any time and without advance notice.

Site design

Agence Curius